Sustainable Farming – Our Family’s Values
In 2022 our family compiled our first comprehensive public sustainability report. It was entirely researched and written by family members: Steve, Susan, Richard, Mike, and Tanya. During this exercise, we came to realize that sustainable farming has always been inherent in how we farm eggs and almonds, we just didn’t talk about it — we lived it.
We are farmers who believe in “doing the right thing” for future generations. Our parents, Ernie and Annemarie Gemperle instilled strong environmental values in our family. We hold deep respect and are deeply grateful for our agricultural land and environment, and the animals, customers, and employees that we interact with daily. Our generation is merely a temporary steward of our agricultural land, air, and water—they belong to future generations. Therefore, in each decision we make we ask ourselves, “How will this affect the Earth’s children two generations from today?”

Science Based Farming
We are science-based farmers, constantly involved in research and development projects to improve our almond and egg farming systems and processes. Curiosity, forward-thinking, and the desire to be “the best farmers we can be” are at the heart of what we do every day.
Our Gemperle Family Farms Sustainability Report 2022 is a baseline of where we are today and what we have achieved since the 1950s, along with a set of target goals. While this report is not part of an official certification, it is an effort to provide transparency to our customers and community. We look forward to keeping you informed of our sustainable farming goals, projects, initiatives, and achievements.

Sustainability Reporting
Gemperle Family Farms published its first Sustainability Report in May 2022. This was meant to be a baseline of where we are today and to tell our sustainable farming story.
The US Round Table for Sustainably Poultry and Eggs completed a comprehensive sustainability reporting tool in 2023. This new tool will allow us to compare year-to-year statistics and help assist us to set and measure sustainable farming goals. The tool will also assist the poultry and egg industry as a whole to evaluate and measure their ESG programs. See our reports below.
Gemperle Family Farms Sustainability report 2022
Gemperle Family Farms Sustainability Report 2024 in progress