Our family values encompass strong stewardship …… caring for our environment, our hens, our customers and our community. At Gemperle Farms we are innovative farmers who work diligently every day to produce the highest quality premium Organic, Cage-free, Omega-3 specialty eggs.

Caring for Our Hens

The hens are the heart of Gemperle Farms and the queens of our operation. We realize that healthy, happy hens produce safer, nutritious eggs for you and your family. We provide our flocks with the highest quality care and nutrition . Our animal care certifications are among the strongest in the farming community.

sustainability at Gemperle Farms

Caring for Our Environment

Environmental stewardship is at the core of our farming philosophy. All of our hen houses are surrounded by sustainably farmed almond orchards. Our land, air and water belongs to future generations and are at the heart of each decision we make everyday.

Gemperle Farms suppport local charities with egg donation

Caring for Our Community

At Gemperle Farms we believe in strong support for our employees and our community. By supporting local business partners and providing secure local jobs we can ensure the economic sustainability of our community. Our farm donates between 350-500,000 egg per year to local charities and nonprofits.